Friday, March 16, 2012
Dancing and Acting: my medicine for finding balance and freedom.
So I asked myself, "Is the anger already there in me? Is it always there? Am I carrying it about, like a time bomb, waiting for someone or some situation to trigger it? Is it outside my control? Should I try to control it? Or am I supposed to let it be 'uncontrolled'?" The same questions came up about sadness.
Here is an excerpt from a talk by Osho. He is talking about anger.
"Once you can bring it for no reason at all, you will be very happy because now you have a freedom. Otherwise even anger is dominated by situations. You are not a master of it. If you cannot bring it, how can you drop it?
Gurdjieff used to teach his disciples never to start by dropping anything. First start by bringing it in, because only a person who can create anger on demand can be capable of dropping it on demand — simple mathematics. So Gurdjieff would tell his disciples to first learn how to be angry. Everybody would be sitting and suddenly he would say, “Number One, stand up and be angry!” It looks so absurd.
But if you can bring it.... And it is always available, just by the comer, you just have to pull it in. It comes easily when anybody provides an excuse. Somebody insults you — it is there. So why wait for the insult? Why be dominated by the other? Why can’t you bring it yourself? Bring it yourself!
In the beginning it looks a little awkward, strange, unbelievable, because you have always believed in the theory that it is somebody else whose insult has created the anger. That’s not true. Anger has always been there; somebody has just given an excuse for it to come up."
The same talk describes how, if you are habitually a 'sad' person, anger is difficult for you. And the opposite is true too: if you are habitually angry, sadness is difficult. Osho recommends practicing the one you don't do much, until they are equal in you. Get your anger and your sadness in balance, he says, then - while they cancel each other out - you can 'slip away' and be free. If you want to read more you can find the whole transcript here on the Osho website.
But if you want to try it, get your body moving! Try a 5Rhythms, or Free Dance, or similar dance workshop. Take an acting class. At least move your body, preferably where there are other people doing it with you, and hold the thought: "It's safe to let my emotions out to play." Come and give yourself permission to look a little "awkward, strange, unbelievable".
I recommend Dancegatherings, in Stockholm, which happens most Fridays. Here is their website. See you there!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Love That Changes Everything
When I first wrote "The Love That Changes Everything", it sat in a notebook for a while, barely legible, unfinished. It was a call to the Universe. It was not that I wanted to be loved, or feel loved, but I wanted to feel love.
Being the object of someone's loving can be sweet, fun, embarrassing, tricky.. always changing. But when I have felt love channeling through me, to someone else, I thought, that's when I am most truly alive! That's what this poem was calling in. I wanted to be a lover again. I felt empty without it. It didn't even have to be requited, I thought. I just want to feel it again before I die.
After I met my beloved, I found the unfinished poem, added some lines to 'finish' it, and sent it in a message. It was an expression of how I wanted to dive in deeply, and love without holding back anything.
Today, after reading a talk by Osho, called Sadness as Meditation (I'll post it next time), I returned to my poem and added more. Maybe it's finished now..
The Love that Changes Everything.
I want the Love that changes everything.
I am afraid, but Fear, you are now welcome in my living room.
I used to be scared of you, and tried to keep you out.
I didn’t want to sit and tremble with you.
But now I invite you: Come and tremble with Me!
Sadness, you come in too.
Let me wrap my arms around you like a long-lost friend.
Sit with Me and talk: Whatever you want to prattle on about is fine.
I too have been a prattler for years.
Anger, you are also my honoured guest.
You sometimes dance all night, waking my neighbours with the din.
But I will never tell you to be quiet.
Oh, Beloved, by the way,
If we wake you up, my guests and I,
Please know that it is because
I want the Love that changes everything.
The love that keeps me happy
Has been a false friend,
And conspired with the love that keeps me safe
To hide my heart away from me.
And I was held a prisoner
Of the love that hates change.
Come to me!
For I know who my true friends are now,
And together with them,
I want the Love that changes everything.
Friday, February 10, 2012
if a storm hits (angry-love)
What happens after the ending of the fairy story, "And they lived happily ever after.."? I know some of you aren't there, but you will be, so it may be a good idea to ask yourself this.
What do you do when you actually live day-to-day with the Beloved?
What happens if a storm hits? What happens when - as they used to say back in the 1980's seminars - "Love brings up things unlike itself (for healing and release..)"?
What happens when one of you pisses the other off? Over some little thing. But it becomes BIG!
Do you pretend you're not angry? Do you try to appease, to calm the other down, to calm yourself down? Do you feel suddenly distant, because the connection's gone; and there is only frustration, or anger, or outright rage; and thoughts of loneliness begin to haunt you and make you start acting false to keep things 'together'? Do you try to race forward to a solution, or hanker back for how things used to be?
Or can you be REAL? ..and let yourself (and the other) BE with angry-love?
I am learning from being with my Beloved to be REAL. And I am so happy about this. It has been hard for me at times. I have been such a habitual pleaser, and appeaser, and I have been so scared of outright anger and confrontation. I have been such a nice-guy. I have tried to smooth things over, to "let sleeping dogs lie". And I have had such a hard time saying, "No!" and standing up for myself. And that has brought all kinds of problems and complications into my life.
But at first, my clumsy expressions of anger were cruel, inappropriate, overblown, not authentic. And as an actor, I KNOW when I am not being authentic. I felt like a beginner. And that made me even more angry, and sad.
But remembering my intention to really surrender to LOVE was the key for me. This helped me to let go of trying to make it look a certain way, or have a controlled outcome to fit my tidy pictures of what was 'right'.
I wrote this poem long before I felt able to really surrender to angry-love when it hit my world (from within me, or from without). But it came right from my heart, written in one go, and the ocean image led me onward.
It is dedicated to my Beloved, Agneta.
If A Storm Hits
If a storm hits
I will not run away
and hide from you
saying give me just the calm days
where all is quiet and still
I will dance out of my door
and watch in awe
I will stand and shout back into your wind
surrender to your strength
and let you toss me
like a rag across the beach
I will wait
like the sandy bay
until your fury subsides
and let you kiss me
I will let you
stir and shake my shingle
and pound me
time and time again
I will stay
and sometimes stand
like a rock
to catch your passion
and throw it back into the air
in breathtaking displays of spray and salt
when you need me
I will reach my arms under you
as the bottom of the sea
and hold you
embrace you
allow you
to fill me with your tides
and currents
waves and troughs
I will
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Under Samma Måne
Under Samma Måne
Mitt i allting
fann jag en stund
eller kanske stunden fann mig
under en måne
Den månen
den Enda månen
och min kropp
Den kroppen
den Enda kroppen
visste hur den skulle dansa
dansade mig
hon dansade mig
som jag
med mig
för alltid
Under tiden
din kropp
Den Kroppen
den Enda kroppen
under samma måne
sover jag med dig
dansar du med mig
...drömmer vi tillsammans
och i evighet
(English translation)
Under The Same Moon
In the middle of everything,
I found a moment
or the moment found me
under a moon
the moon
the One and only Moon
and my body
the body
the One and only Body
knew how to dance
it danced me
she danced me
as me
with me
your body
the body
the One and only Body
under the same moon
I sleep with you
you dance with me
we dream together
Sunday, April 18, 2010
to the Divine Feminine
just so you know,
I'm not trying to compete,
take any attention away from . . .
. . You
nor am I trying to
be anything other than,
under play
over play . . .
. . mySelf
You should also know
I am . .
. . mySelf
. . equally Divine as You
. . not You
. . totally in Love
with You
and now I am